Fundamentals of Muscle Building for Beginners
I am a novice and do not even know how to practice? How do I build my muscles? I want sculpted muscles and I don't want to be huge! The trainer does not care about my training and do not know the proper performance of the exercises? My coach is tempting me with the results of supplements. Should I buy them now or is this not the right time?First you have to know that we all went through this stage I even remember my start in this game when I was practicing under the hands of a neglected coach and his first and last concern was to sell supplements after he tempted me, even if they were in vain.
Today, I'm not asking you for money. All you need as a beginner is just 5 minutes to read the next lines, and I assure you that you won't need to run after a trainer to explain how to train.
Muscle Building Basics
Set your goal at first
It is very important that you set your goal carefully before you begin your journey in the world of fitness and bodybuilding.
Always ask yourself: “What does my body need?”, Do you need to lose fat dramatically, are you the skinny type that needs to build muscle and don't worry about fat? Special stomach muscles !! Well, let's agree that if you're a high-fat person, you should focus on fat loss first, then start building muscle, so you're going to focus on a weight-loss diet right now, and then you're going to build muscle. They can turn into muscles as some claim.
If you are the skinny type, welcome, your first and last goal is to build muscle and I don't think you are at a loss.
What if you were the third type ?! If you are the third type and have only an acceptable amount of fat and not too much, you can start to amplify the muscles and do not worry about some of the fat accumulated around your waist is a few and sooner or sooner will disappear with continuous exercise, but provided that you follow a diet clean and away from fast food. It is recommended that you pay some attention to fat burning exercises such as cardio and HIIT.
Muscle Building Rules For Beginners
Before you build your body muscles, you should build the mind and think right for this task. Bodybuilding or fitness are just a thought.If you think you are going to the gym day by day and lifting the weights very randomly and without proper thinking, know that you will inevitably fail and may get infected Frustrated and retires this game.
Let me help you build a sound mind in the world of bodybuilding and fitness by answering a few questions that revolve in your head. What are the rules of bodybuilding construction that you must adhere to to get positive results?
Proper nutrition, sleep for sufficient periods of (8-10) hours, proper exercise, attendance exercise.
Are there objects that do not respond to bodybuilding ?!
I deliberately mentioned this topic because you may have been long-term practitioner but have not found any response.Recognize that genes play a big role in this game, and indeed the degree of responsiveness of our bodies is different from each other, but you cannot sit down and blame genes.
What I want to tell you, my friend, is that whatever your body is, it certainly will respond, you may experience slow muscle growth, but certainly you still have the opportunity to develop your body even if it seems somewhat slow, and all I ask you to change is Exercise and follow the proper rules of construction in terms of nutrition and sleep and most importantly, stop comparing the results with your friends in the gym and stop hearing the frustrated.
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Also read:The benefits of potatoes for bodybuilding
How long do you need to see exercise results?
The normal length of time to see some changes to your body is (3-6) months, and this period still varies from person to person depending on the extent of compliance with the building rules as well as according to the type of body and the degree of response.
Some people may find it difficult to show results at first, but as time goes by, they get better and better results.
I think these previous lines will change a lot of your bodybuilding thinking, now let me talk about building rules and how you can apply them properly to get results as quickly as possible.
Proper exercise
Your schedule as a beginner in bodybuilding or fitness should contain 3 or 4 days of exercise.For you as a beginner, you never need to be more than 4 days in order to provide your body with adequate rest.
Do not go to the gym for more than two consecutive days, meaning that if you exercise on Saturday and Sunday, do not exercise on Monday, but make it a day of rest so that your body can enjoy enough rest for the required muscle growth.
Weighs no more than an hour and a half, then you can do some cardio or HIIT activities to burn fat for only 10-20 minutes.
Never neglect basic movements known for their ability to build muscle mass.Use this type of exercise in all muscles in your body, especially as a beginner.It is very important that you stick to the proper functioning of these exercises.
Compound movements are movements that target more than one muscle such as flat punch exercise. It targets the chest as the main muscle, in addition to the front shoulder and triceps as auxiliary muscles.
Here are some types of compound movements that will help you build as much muscle mass as possible at the beginning of your workout:
- Flat Barbell Bench Press
- Flat Dumbbell Bench Press
- Incline barbell Bench Press
- Incline barbell Bench Press
- Shoulder press
- Dumbbell Press
- Barbell Squat
- Leg Press
- Barbell Row
- Barbell Dead Lift
Assuming that today is Sadr Day, let me show you an appropriate exercise model
- Level Bar Exercise 4 * (10-8)
- High Bar Workout 3 * (10-8)
- High Dumbbell Exercise 3 * (10-8)
- Dumbbell Lightening Exercise 3 * (12-8)
- Parallel Exercise 3 * (10-8)
Now what do you notice? As you can see, I focused on the basic movements that we talked about that target more than one muscle. This is very enough for your chest muscles, so your workout should be in the first months of bodybuilding or fitness.
I don't want you to run out of energy in each group. Assuming you can lift 20 kilograms in the first exercise (flat bar exercise), I don't want you to start with that weight, but start with (5) then (12.5) then (17.5). (20), and so on the rest of the exercises.
I don't want you to run out of energy in each group. Assuming you can lift 20 kilograms in the first exercise (flat bar exercise), I don't want you to start with that weight, but start with (5) then (12.5) then (17.5). (20), and so on the rest of the exercises.
Your commitment to the proper performance of each exercise is very important, especially at the beginning.
Do not ask anyone to help you at all and do not rely on adding heavy weights and ask your friend to stand behind you, all I want you to commit to the weight you can lift and perform the number of repetitions required, and my words are directed to beginners and not to anyone else.
I don't mean to do this exercise for 6 months or a year. Of course you have to change your workout routine in more ways than one I just meant to clarify the building rules in terms of the number of repetitions and the number of groups you should stick to at the beginning of your workout through this previous example.
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I want you to know that each stage has its own exercise regimen, some friends may find using a high repetition pattern (15-20) repetitions, others may exercise 5 sets of exercise or even only two sets, it does not necessarily mean that they are wrong, but for you As a beginner the best option is (3 or 4) combinations and (8-12) repetitions, this mode will achieve you the best results during this stage.
You don't need to use drop sets or super sets in your workout, they are systems for fairly advanced players, and we'll turn to them afterwards and don't rush.
Proper nutrition
We come here for the most important part which is nutrition. Know that there is no use of exercise without providing proper nutrition for your body, it is very possible to find someone who has been practicing bodybuilding for successive years and does not find any result because he does not care about this corner, the car does not run without fuel !!
Be sure to eat a meal every (2-3) hours, and the duration between meals does not exceed three hours in any way, one of the most things that affect your results negatively is the lack of commitment to the time limit between meals.
Each of your meals should contain protein primarily with healthy carbohydrates and fats according to certain amounts, because excessive intake of healthy carbohydrates and fats beyond the amount your body needs for muscle growth will make you gain more fat.
In general, nutrition in bodybuilding is based on three main elements:
It is the most important elements to build muscle, each meal should contain (25-40) grams of protein.
Here's a list of the most protein-rich foods:
- 100 g skinned chicken breasts: 32 g protein
- 100 g turkey breast: 32 g protein
- 100 g red meat: 30 g protein
- 100 g tuna: 24 g protein
- 100 g tilapia: 24 g protein
- 100 grams of salmon: 23 grams protein
- 100 g grilled mackerel: 21 g protein
- 100 g Octopus: 29 g Protein
- 100 grams of cottage cheese: 13 g protein
- 100 g almonds: 20 g protein
Carbohydrates are also a key ingredient for muscle building.If your goal is muscle mass or even muscle drying, you should eat enough carp or you will lose your muscles and your body will stop building. Carp is divided into slow-digesting and fast-digesting carbohydrates.
Slow digestion carbohydrates:
It is appropriate in the early part of the day in the first two or three meals to continue to provide your body with the energy it needs throughout the day.It is also very necessary two hours before the exercise and indispensable, and you will also need it after the exercise to rebuild muscle.
- the rice
- Oats
- potato
- whole wheat bread
Rapid digestion carbohydrates:
It is responsible for raising the level of insulin, which is very necessary to build muscle, the best time for this type in the morning at breakfast and immediately after the workout, these are construction times, and you can use it as fuel for you an hour or 45 minutes before the exercise, which is quickly digested by your body and converted into energy to increase performance during the exercise.
- the banana
- Dried grapes
- Dates and most fruits
We come here for the third and final component of muscle building. Fats are just as important as protein and carb on condition that they are healthy. Without them, the body cannot make hormones, so you won't get muscle and won't lose fat.
- Peanut Butter
- yolk
- Nuts
- Avocado
- olive oil
Should I buy supplements?
You don't need to buy supplements at this time, but make sure to eat healthy regularly and follow the nutrition instructions you have outlined above.
I often find some young people who have not mastered the proper performance of the exercise and can not lift the weights properly.However, they buy a lot of supplements and the result remains weak, simply this is not the ideal time for you as a novice.If you want to resort to supplements you can buy some after six months or a year .
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