Best 5 Foods For Muscle Amplification

Best 5 Foods For Muscle Amplification

Best 5 Foods For Muscle Amplification

Exercise tears and destroys your muscles, but what you build is nutrition. Without a diet that suits you personally, you won't get the muscle gains you want.

You have multiple choices of foods, some of which make you feel full quickly without providing you with enough energy, others hardly feel that it filled your mouth but is rich in energy.

In this article, dear reader, we will save you the trouble of searching and show you the best foods for muscular hypertrophy.

The best foods to amplify

In muscular hypertrophy, you need to consume more calories than your body needs.To ensure this is achieved, you should focus on high-calorie foods, and at the same time fulfill your daily requirement of nutrients from proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.

Also read:What is Whey-protein? Benefits and harms

the rice

Rice is the main source of carbohydrates used by the pioneers of bodybuilding and fitness in their diet at all periods, but becomes more reliable in the period of amplification, because it provides the player with the necessary energy for exercise and muscle building.

Rice is classified as a low-absorption carbohydrate, which provides long-term energy for the body, which is good for improving exercise effectiveness and avoiding the disadvantages of fast sugars on body health.


What distinguishes oats from other sources of carbohydrates is that it is rich in proteins, each 100 grams of it provides about 17 grams protein.

A slow-absorbing carbohydrate source that suits your goal of amplification, is rich in fiber that supports digestive health, as well as many minerals and vitamins that are important for public health.

Salmon is an excellent source of high-quality protein, containing a healthy amount of fats makes it a high-calorie food suitable for the period of muscle amplification.

Otherwise, salmon is rich in omega-3, which supports cardiovascular health and improves body hormones, which contribute positively and significantly to muscle development.


All these reasons culminate in eggs as the preferred source of protein for bodybuilders and fitness. It is rich in healthy fat which increases its calorific value and makes it suitable for muscular hypertrophy.

A common myth about eggs is that it causes atherosclerosis because it contains high cholesterol, but recent studies have found that cholesterol in food has nothing to do with cholesterol, which causes heart disease.

Peanut Butter
588 calories per 100 grams, a very large number, of course you will only take a spoon or two in your meal, but it remains an important addition in the amplification period.

Besides being rich in proteins, peanut butter is an excellent source of healthy fats for more muscle growth and better health.


There are still a lot of high-calorie foods that are appropriate for the period of muscular hypertrophy, but my list is limited to only the top 5 foods in terms of enthalpy or energy and nutritional value as well.

Now you have an idea of how to choose your meals during the amplification period, so enjoy the trip.

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