The 5 best supplements to build your muscles at breakneck speeds 100%

The 5 best supplements to build your muscles at breakneck speeds 100%

The 5 best supplements to build your muscles at breakneck speeds 100%

Dietary supplements have become an integral part of bodybuilding and weightlifting, as they help the body build and repair muscles, by increasing the body energy quickly and quickly repair damaged muscle fibers after exercise. The nutrients, vitamins and stomachs it needs, of course along with continuing training and a healthy diet, are the best supplements to build and amplify muscles.

Carbohydrate supplements

Taking carbohydrates after exercise leads to the release of the structural hormone, insulin, as eating 60 to 100 grams of carbohydrates from dextrose or maltodextrin leads to the secretion of insulin, which leads the nutrients needed by muscles to muscle cells.

Whey Protein

The body needs protein to build muscle, and protein supplements with amino acids that work to create protein, and provide the body with protein fast digestion, taking 30 to 50 grams of protein directly after exercise, preferably next to carbohydrates, and also can be taken between meals.

Casein protein

Unlike Whey Protein, casein protein is slow to digest and comes from dairy sources such as milk and cheese. For 8 hours, the appropriate dose is 20 to 40 grams before bedtime, between meals.

Creatine supplementation

Creatine is highly effective for building and amplifying muscles.It is common for first-time eaters to get 2 to 3 kilograms of weight gain in less than two weeks.It also helps the body produce energy quickly, which is one of the best supplements for those who want to gain weight with Muscle amplification, the appropriate dose is 5 to 10 grams after exercise, and at least 3 grams after each basic meal.


Like creatine, glutamine works to build and repair muscles, as it boosts testosterone levels, supports immune function and replenishes glutamine stores lost during intense training.A proper dose is 5 to 10 grams before and after exercise as well as before bedtime.

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