Say goodbye to fat and weight gain

Say goodbye to fat and weight gain

Say goodbye to fat and weight gain

Who knows how to burn fat without knowing the reasons for its formation is basically like trying to fill a perforated container.

As you can see, there are quite a number of articles that offer the best weight loss methods, how to lose 10 kilos in a month and so on. This article is not one of them.

You and I in this article will treat fat as an enemy, we will identify it, what causes its origins, and see how to get rid of it scientifically forever without irreversibility.

What is fat

Fat is an essential component of the body, and we cannot do without it.

According to the American Board of Exercise, "men need at least 2-5% and women from 10-13% fat from total body composition."

Despite the widespread use of the word “fat” to describe all body fat, there are different types of fat. Some are harmful and may cause many diseases and others are essential to your health.

Types of fats

1-White fat: "The kind you are trying to fight."

Consists of large white cells that are stored under the skin or around the organs in the abdomen, arms, buttocks and thighs. These fat cells are the body's way of storing energy for later use.

2 - brown fat: "This type we are born"

It is a type of fat found mainly in children, and some adults still retain a very small amount of brown fat usually in the neck and shoulders.

This type of fat burns its fatty acids to keep warm.

We can divide the fats according to the areas formed by the body as follows.
  • Subcutaneous Fat: The majority of our body fat is subcutaneous. It's the fat that presses your arms, abdomen, thighs and buttocks.
  • Visceral fat, also known as "belly fat," is white fat stored in the abdomen and around all of your major organs, such as the liver, kidneys, pancreas, intestines and heart.

How does fat originate?

Body fat is formed according to a somewhat complex biological process and can be simply summarized at several key points.
  1. When eating nutrients are broken down in the small intestine in the bloodstream, this process causes an increase in the level of glucose “sugar”.
  2. The pancreas monitors the blood sugar level, and when this increase is observed a hormone called insulin is produced.
  3. Insulin released into the bloodstream refers to muscle cells and other cells in our body to consume blood glucose to lower blood sugar.
  4. These cells receive the message - thanks to insulin receptors embedded in the cell membrane - and take glucose from the blood for energy.
  5. When cells consume all the energy they need, insulin refers to the liver to eat glucose and store it as a starch called glycogen.
  6. When glycogen stores are full, fat production is stimulated.
In other words, body fat is stored in case of excess calories.

How to Burn Fat

The human body is very intelligent and may have noticed this in the way it stores fat, to be used again as an energy source in periods of scarcity and nutrient scarcity.

What really impress me is the degree to which your body sticks to fat and be an ally against you.
To understand what I mean by reading the points below to understand how fat burning is not easy.

1.Fats are not the body's preferred energy sources.

There is good reason why the body stores energy in the form of fat, as one gram of fat produces 9 calories, compared to carbohydrates “which produce 4 calories per gram”.

On the other hand, burning fat requires more effort, so the body prefers to rely first on carbohydrates as a source of energy, and then begins to break down fat.

2. the difficulty of burning fat compared to storage.

Although one liter of Pepsi contains about 500 calories, to burn those 500 calories you need to run an estimated 5 miles.

That's exactly what I mean by burning fat much harder than eating it.

3. affected by fat burning metabolism.

We all burn fat at slightly different rates. Some people enjoy faster metabolic rates than others, but since you are looking for how to burn fat you are not.

You can't rely on it to burn fat.

4. adapt the body in periods of scarcity of food

This is related to the previous point, you not only have a slow metabolic rate but it gets slower when you try to lose weight.

Our bodies are programmed to sense food shortages. As a defensive movement, the body makes metabolism slower.

Low BMI means burning fewer calories over time. This is one reason why weight loss is often difficult.

Despite all of the above we can still burn fat !!

You may have noticed that how you burn fat depends on two main factors.
  1. Reduce your calorie intake to put your body in a calorie deficit, and avoid new fat formation.
  2. Stimulate the body to burn already existing fat and use it as an energy source.
Therefore, we will divide this task into two parts of which no less important than the other is first of all nutrition, second of exercise.

How to burn fat by improving nutrition

The goal of improving nutrition here is to put the body into a calorie deficit by reducing its consumption. This step increases the effectiveness of the exercises by making the body begin to break down and burn fat in order to produce the energy needed for training.

Diet for weight loss

The common assumption is that a high-fat diet is what makes a person suffer from a lot of body fat, this is only partially true.

Because refined and processed foods that are high in low-fiber carbohydrates can also cause weight gain.

In terms of gaining or losing weight, the total number of calories you eat versus the calories you burn each day is what matters. It is not whether these calories are fat, carbohydrate or protein.

Therefore, a healthy diet is more effective, provided that the amount of calories consumed less than the amount required to complete the tasks of your day, and exercises.

Experts and researchers recommend that the three essential nutrient ratios in the fat burning diet be as follows.

1- Protein

Eat more protein. Adding protein-rich foods to your diet is an effective way to reduce your appetite and burn more fat.
  1. It reduces your appetite because it takes time to digest, so food stays in your stomach longer.
  2. Protein releases many satiety hormones. Including the hormone cholecystokinin, a hormone useful for fighting hunger.
  3. Protein has a higher thermal effect, so your body needs more energy to digest protein than carbohydrates or fats.

2 - carbohydrates

Reducing carbohydrate intake - especially sugar and carbohydrates - when trying to lose fat will help you a lot.

As I mentioned above, carbohydrates are the body 's favorite energy source, and as long as they are present your body will stop burning fat. At worst, new fats will form.

But remember that not all carbohydrates are harmful as some can help you burn fat, especially if you are trying to burn fat while building muscle.

Just make sure that those carbohydrates come from sources like oats, whole grains, and fiber-rich vegetables.

The timing of carbohydrate intake is also important, and according to research the best time to eat it is in the morning, and in a meal before exercise to provide you with energy during training.

3 - fat

Eating enough healthy fats will help you shed fat and build muscle.

Yes, what I have read is true There are two main reasons why correct fats are an essential component of any effective diet.

  1. Healthy fats have many benefits, including stimulating the production of essential hormones for the body, maintaining heart health, and producing enzymes necessary for some vital processes.
  2. Fat takes some time to digest and can help slow the emptying of the stomach, which reduces appetite and fights hunger (study).
Just make sure you eat good sources of healthy fats such as nuts, olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado.

However, keep in mind that healthy fats are still high in calories, so you should eat a moderate amount.

Studies recommend that a moderate amount of healthy fat is 0.5 grams per kilogram, and prefer not to eat before exercise as your body takes longer to digest fat, which may make you feel stagnant.

How to burn fat with strength exercises

Strength exercises “Weight lifting”, is one of the best ways to burn fat and improve your appearance.

Why should you use strength exercises to burn fat ??

1- Stimulate fat burning after exercise

Studies show that resistance exercises stimulate fat burning not only during exercise, but after the completion of the training session for up to 39 hours.

In a study that proved the effectiveness of strength exercises in burning fat during the rest period by 7%.

2- Muscle acquisition or maintenance

Strength exercises can maintain muscle mass while burning fat, and sometimes you can gain and build muscle.

3- Fighting body adaptation

As we mentioned that your body adapts to periods of food scarcity and reduces metabolism, strength training is the solution.

In a study of 78 people with slow metabolism reduced the strength exercises of visceral fat “belly fat, which surrounds the internal organs”.

4 - incentive to start

In a study, strength training showed a significant reduction in carbohydrates and water. Which in turn can be considered a strong motivation at first.

Cardio exercises to burn fat

Cardio exercises are one of the most effective exercises in burning fat fast, and have many benefits in improving public health and strengthening the heart.

What we are interested in now are cardio exercises aimed at burning fat as a primary goal, or so-called high-intensity exercises ”HIIT”. Which is considered the best cardio to burn fat.

The HIIT method is based on alternation between short, high-intensity and relatively longer, but less intense periods.

A study by scientists at the University of Western Ontario gives us insight into its effectiveness. The study was conducted on 10 men and 10 women who were trained 3 days a week and divided into two groups.

  1. The first group performs 4 sets of 30 to 60 seconds running at full speed in each group and 4 to 6 minute breaks between groups.
  2. The second group runs on the jogging machine for "30 to 60 minutes" about 60 percent of their training load.
The result: After 6 weeks of follow-up, the initial group was found to have “significantly” lost more fat than its counterpart.

Why HIIT exercises are better at burning fat than moderate-intensity cardio exercises

  1. Increased metabolic rate, up to 24 hours after exercise. In other words, the burning of oxygen in the muscle for longer periods of time, resulting in burning in excess fat.
  2. Improve insulin sensitivity in muscles.
  3. Higher levels of oxidation of muscle fat.
  4. An increase in HGH levels (which help in fat loss) and catecholamine levels (chemicals produced by your body to help burn fat).

An example of high-intensity cardio exercises “you can do at home”

Free running - or running in place:
  1. Run warm-up first for 30 seconds.
  2. Run as fast as possible for one minute.
  3. Walk slowly for 3 minutes to "catch your breath."
  4. Repeat the process for 4 sets.
  5. If you do this exercise 3 or 4 times a day you will find a significant loss in your body weight.

A word from FIT4MUSCLE

  • The body stores excess calories as fat.
  • How to burn fat depends on two main factors.
  1. Put the body into a calorie deficit.
  2. Stimulate the body with exercises to burn fat and get energy.
  • Eat more protein, reduce the amount of carbohydrates, do not lose the benefits of healthy fats
  • Combine weight lifting and cardio workouts for best results.
  • High-intensity cardio exercises are the best way to burn fat.
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