What to eat before exercise to get extraordinary energy 100%
Whatever your strength, don't expect your body to deliver the best performance during the training session without fuel. What I mean here is a pre-workout meal.
If you want to achieve your goals, whether building muscle, burning fat, or doing both, you should do whatever it takes to get the most out of your workout.
A pre-workout meal is one of the most important factors that will help you succeed in your training session, but some may neglect it or do it wrong.
The importance of a meal before exercise
Protect your body from muscle strain and inactivity during exercise
- Your body converts the glycogen found in your liver and muscles into glucose.
- Muscles use glucose as a primary source of energy during exercise.
- If the amount of glycogen in your body is completely depleted, you will experience muscle strain and inactivity.
Keep the muscle mass from breaking down
As mentioned above, the body relies on glycogen for energy production.
If your body does not have enough glycogen to provide the energy needed for exercise, it will start burning muscle tissue to get it.
“Perfect pre-workout meal”
When choosing a pre-workout meal, it is important to aim for a balance of macronutrients.
All macronutrients have a specific role before exercise. However, the percentage you need to consume varies depending on the individual and type of exercise.
Here's a brief look at their respective roles.
Carbohydrates are the key nutrients that provide your body with the optimum energy for performance. So, putting some carbohydrates into a pre-workout meal will save you fuel for a good workout.
What makes carbohydrates an ideal source of energy is the effective way of using oxygen, where less oxygen is used to burn each kcal compared to protein or fat.
This is very important especially if you are a bodybuilder athlete you need more oxygen for proper breathing.
How does your body use carbohydrates?
- Glycogen stores in the liver and muscles depend mainly on the amount of carbohydrates in your body.
- Your body converts glycogen to glucose (a type of sugar), which your muscles use as the main source of fuel during exercise This means that your ability to exercise is limited by the amount of glucose in your body.
- After about 90 minutes of exercise, if your body's glycogen supply is completely depleted, you are at risk of "muscle strain," or feeling lethargy during exercise.
- If your body does not contain enough glycogen to provide energy, it will start burning fat for energy, but the problem is that fat burns at a much slower rate of carbohydrates, which will slow down the intensity of training.
There are two types of carbohydrates and each type has a special effect
Simple carbohydrates: These sugars provide a rapid increase in energy. White bread is a common source of these carbohydrates.
Complex carbohydrates: include fiber or starch. They provide a slower and more long-term power source. Whole grain foods are a good source of complex carbohydrates.
What kind of carbohydrate is best in a pre-workout meal?
Each has its own role, but in general complex carbohydrates are better as they provide a greater energy source in the long run, and they have lower degrees of glycemic index than those containing simple carbohydrates, and thus reduce the risk of developing a disease such as diabetes.
Simple carbohydrates are short-term energy sources. If a pre-workout meal contains lots of simple carbohydrates, a person may feel low in energy before finishing the exercise.
To increase energy before exercise, you should consume complex carbohydrates 2-3 hours before, and any simple carbohydrates 30 to 60 minutes before.
Here are some examples of healthy foods that contain complex carbohydrates:
- Cauliflower, sweet potatoes and other vegetables
- Whole grain pasta
- bean
- lentils
- Brown Rice
- Oats
- Whole grain bread
Protein plays an important role in a pre-workout meal.
Several studies have documented the importance of protein consumption before exercise to improve athletic performance.
One study showed a positive anabolic response after participants consumed 20 grams of protein before exercise.
The importance of protein in a meal before exercise:
1- Protein can increase the amount of muscle mass gained from exercise.
Severe resistance attacks can damage the muscles, but protein consumption increases the number of amino acids in the body. These acids act to reduce damage, synthesize muscle proteins, and stimulate growth.
2- Consuming 20 to 30 grams of protein before exercise can increase the rate of muscle protein synthesis that lasts for several hours.
3- Accelerate the process of muscle recovery.
To repair muscle damage, your body needs protein, which is made up of amino acids, to build muscle.
Adequate protein supply will help your muscles recover from stress during exercise, especially if you're exercising.
Including certain proteins in a pre-workout meal helps reduce muscle soreness after exercise and speeds up repair.
“Note that although protein is slow to burn, you will benefit from the benefits of speedy recovery and growth stimulation”
Protein-rich foods
Here are some examples of healthy protein-rich foods:
- Fish, such as salmon and tuna
- Poultry, such as chicken and turkey
- nut
- bean
- lentils
- eggs
The importance of healthy fats in a meal before exercise
Many people try to limit the amount of fat in their diet, but cutting them off completely can actually hamper athletic performance.
Healthy fats provide energy for your body. If you usually exercise for more than an hour, your body uses fats for energy after you run out of glucose.
- Carbohydrates help maximize glycogen stores for high-intensity exercise.
- However, healthy fats also play a role, as fats help nourish your body for longer, less intense exercises.
Healthy fats are more appropriate if your training time is more than an hour or for runners and long distance swimmers.
She showed how a four-week diet of 40% fat increased the endurance times of a group of runners.
Examples of some healthy fats:
- avocado
- Walnuts
- olive
- Seeds of flax
- Salmon
- tuna
- Dark chocolate
Meal before exercise according to the timing of eating
The timing of your meal is also an important aspect of nutrition before your workout.
- The body needs time to digest, so as to avoid indigestion and upset stomach during exercise.
- The time of digestion depends on the components of the meal itself and its amount.
- The closer the meal to the exercise time, the less it is preferable to contain substances faster in digestion.
- It varies from person to person depending on our ability to digest so try more than timing to reach the best result
In general try to eat a full meal containing carbohydrates, protein and fat within 2-3 hours before exercise.
If your meal is within an hour or less, choose digestible foods that contain simple carbohydrates and some protein.
This will help prevent any discomfort in the stomach during exercise.
Word of Fitness Fit4Muscle
- A pre - workout meal is important to the success of your training session, but you should monitor the amount of calories and ensure their quality by following the best diet according to your goals.
- For maximum performance it is important that you feed your body with the right nutrients before exercise.
- Carbohydrates help increase your body's ability to use glycogen to feed short, high-intensity workouts, while fat helps feed your body for longer workouts.
- Protein intake helps improve muscle protein synthesis, prevent muscle damage and promote recovery.
- Pre-workout meals can be taken three to 30 minutes before exercise. However, choose foods that are easy to digest, especially if the exercise starts in one hour or less. This will help you avoid stomach discomfort.
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