An effective and successful way to build muscle 100%
If you think that once you go to the gym and lift the weights you will build strong and huge muscles, you are wrong or at least this is not the whole truth. If your goal is to build muscle properly and scientifically, you need to understand and study at least the basics of muscle building.You can not build a building on a weak basis as is the case with muscle building, however you find some people trying to gain muscle without learning the basics of the game first and no wonder that the result will be a failure to get a wonderful body. You need to build a strong foundation first in order to build a wonderful body and gain more muscle.
the size
If you want to sculpt a marble sculpture, you need a large piece of marble first… you cannot sculpt your muscles before you build them.
You need to increase muscle size first before considering its sculpting and highlighting its appearance.
Isolation exercises will not increase your strength because you use very light weights must rely on compound exercises to be able to increase weights, which results in an increase in the strength and endurance of the body and then you can move to isolation exercises in order to work on small muscles and joints.
Correct posture for exercise
If your posture is correct during exercise you will be able to lift heavier weights and protect yourself from injuries, so you have to repeat the basic exercises to master well.
It would be very tempting to skip this and go to isolation exercises directly in an attempt to mimic those around you - ignoring that they already have muscles and want to highlight them - while you are still trying to gain muscle mass. So you must remember that you want to build a strong foundation first and ensure that you will get better results later whether you want to sculpt your muscles or beautify their shape or increase endurance.
I do not tell you that you will not get muscles using isolation exercises or cables will certainly get but will not achieve the maximum possible result without establishing your body in the shortest possible time and you will find yourself suffering even in the performance of these isolation exercises without establishing your body well, and this is one of the biggest reasons that may begin In blaming your genes or age and moving to buy more supplements, worse you may fall victim to steroids while the biggest problem is poor exercise.
Take the time to build a strong and fit body.Then, you can pay attention to the aesthetics and sculpt muscles however you like.
Strength is size
Bones are attached to the muscles through tendons that contract your muscles to push your body and lift weights.
This is called muscle stimulation until it becomes bigger and stronger to deal with exercise better next time. Your body is smart so it starts to strengthen your muscles to protect them from future stress.
Do you remember the saying "What does not kill you makes you stronger" ?!
Simply put, the heavier weights you get, the bigger your muscles.
Here's Arnold Schwarzenegger's view:
“The truth is that not all bodybuilders are strong, especially those who have done most of their workouts using machines. But years of weight lifting and working with free weights have given me the baseball muscles, shoulders, back muscles and thighs. It simply made my appearance stronger and bigger than the rest.
Arnold was not the only player to believe that power meant size, but that the best bodybuilders of all time relied mainly on strength exercises to build and bulky.
These bodybuilders have done isolation exercises to beautify the shape of your muscles, but they were strong enough first.
Gradual increase in weight:
In ancient Greece, Milo of Croton trained for the Olympics with a calf on his back every day. The calf grew larger, forcing Mello to lift heavy weights. Milo's body became stronger and bigger as a result. He became the strongest man of his time.
It's a myth. But it illustrates the principle of gradual overload used in effective training programs. Gradually gaining weight stresses your body and muscles. It drives them to gain strength and size so they can better cope with heavy weights in the future.
Start with a light weight and then gradually increase it in the next exercise, continue to do so as long as you can because if you did not lift a heavier weight than the previous session will not be able to increase the strength and size of your muscles.
In addition to the effectiveness of the gradual increase in muscle development, but it is the simplest way to gain muscle You can hold the same exercises as long as these exercises are effective only increase the weights on the bar and will gain more muscles.
It is important to mention the encouragement you will get when you find a significant increase in your muscles both in front of the mirror or on the balance.
I do not tell you that you will continue to gain weight on the bar throughout your life, just until you reach a satisfactory degree you can only then you can change your training system or add some isolation exercises to sculpt your muscles.
Compound exercises
To build muscle, you should do compound exercises that work several muscles at the same time.
Most people build muscle using isolation exercises, but these are ineffective because you are using one muscle to lift weights and remove the rest of the muscle group from the game and this limits the weight you can lift.
For example, in the Punch Press you can lift heavier weights because your arms help your chest in lifting, as in squatting legs help you fully lift your body.
As you know, the greater the weight, the greater the pressure and give greater motivation for your body to build more muscles, and this is enough reason to make compound exercises more effective in building muscle quickly, especially in the beginning and foundation.
Compound exercises work on your body the way you use it in the real world. Never use one set of muscles outside the gym. Your body always moves as a single piece. That is why the strength you build with insulation exercises does not move outside the gym.
Since compound exercises work on multiple muscles at the same time, you don't need to do more than three exercises per muscle group. This saves time compared to isolation exercises where you need to double the number of exercises to fully exercise your body.
Look at the Triceps muscle as an example. You don't need five exercises to grow.
You work on your body the way a sculptor works with a piece of wood or marble.
Build your body first Focus on gaining more mass Do not look for harmony and aesthetics at the beginning Build a strong foundation and then sculpt your body as you like to be the result the body you dream of.
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