6 Best Ways to Treat Weak Muscles

6 Best Ways to Treat Weak Muscles

6 Best Ways to Treat Weak Muscles

The presence of small muscle groups inconsistent with the size and mass of the rest of the other muscle groups is common and common, for example, there are those who have shoulder muscles smaller than the rest of the other muscles of the body, and some suffer from a small chest muscle compared to other muscles.

The fact that the athlete's body, and especially bodybuilders, contain this problem is due to several practices and misconceptions that many athletes do while exercising in the gym, such as:

1- Anatomical situation

Anatomical posture is the position and position of the body during exercise It is a focal point that directly affects the degree to which muscles respond to growth and how well they get the most out of exercise.

Incorrect body posture during exercise can cause injuries or lead to the targeting of another muscle group that is not intended to be targeted. This, of course, affects the muscles' benefit from exercise.

2- wrong weights

You should be well aware of your physical abilities properly without exaggerating or diminishing when choosing the weights of the exercise in order to obtain the best possible control and optimal control; Exceeds the probability or any very weak pressure does not cause the purpose of the exercise in the targeting of muscles.

3- boredom

Your body and muscles are bored and uncomplicated when you repeat the same exercise for long periods of time, and have a weaker and smaller muscle group than other muscles in your body.

4- Take your time

When exercising, especially with iron weights, you should ensure that weights are not lifted or lowered too quickly or too slowly, in order to avoid injury to the muscle and target muscles to fully benefit from the goals of the exercise and the dynamic movement and importance of the muscle. .

5- The youngest first

Always give your weak or small muscles a priority and proper care during exercise by starting them first while you are still in good physical and mental state, ensuring a more effective use of those muscles.

For example, if your shoulder muscle is weak in the front parts, we recommend that you start exercising the front parts of the shoulder muscles first before the side or back.

6- When will you stop?

You should know very well when to stop, and what limits you should not exceed when targeting small groups in your body, so as not to reverse it negatively, although the targeting and focus on those muscles makes sense, but this does not mean fatigue, whether too much targeted During the week or by increasing the iron weights you bear, always remember that injury may occur at any time, so watch out when dealing with weak or small muscles in your body.

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