The benefits of potatoes for bodybuilding

The benefits of potatoes for bodybuilding

The benefits of potatoes for bodybuilding

Potatoes are edible tubers, which originate in the Andes of South America, and then spread in Europe, are now grown around the world, and are one of the largest vegetable crops in the United States of America, and it is a food common in many countries, and there are several Types of potatoes vary in color; such as: white, red, yellow, blue, and potatoes are characterized by the content of phytochemicals, dietary fiber, various minerals and vitamins, and it should be noted that most of the nutrients found in the potato crust so prefer to eat With the crust.

The benefits of potatoes for bodybuilding

Bodybuilders follow a nutritional diet, accompanied by a specific exercise program to increase their muscle mass. It is a source of energy production and helps to recover after exercise, and it is worth mentioning that the potato is one of the foods rich in complex carbohydrates, so it is recommended to eat sufficient quantities, as well as a mixture of sweet potatoes and grilled potatoes vinegar The daytime as a main source of carbohydrates, but it is important to determine when it is eaten; it can be eaten with grilled chicken before exercise, in the evening can eat sweet potatoes with chicken, eat grilled potatoes with lean meat and vegetable salad at dinner; Potatoes are suitable for athletes for several reasons, including:

Calorie source:

Bodybuilders need large amounts of calories to boost muscle growth and build.Potato is a rich source of calories and carbohydrates, and does not contain fat or cholesterol.It is the right food to meet these caloric needs.

Containing minerals and vitamins that enhance the functions of the body:

These include thiamine, magnesium and niacin. They also contain vitamin B6, which plays a role in the metabolism of amino acids and proteins for muscle growth, and antioxidant vitamin C, which promotes recovery between exercise and potassium, which is important for functions. Muscles.

Increased muscle glycogen stores:

It is the main source of energy for physical and athletic activity, as well as the important fiber to feed beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

Potato benefits for the body

Fruits and vegetables help promote health and reduce the risk of many health problems. Potatoes are vegetables that provide many health benefits for the body.The following are the main benefits:

Contribute to lowering blood pressure:

Low sodium intake contributes to maintaining blood pressure at normal levels. Increased potassium consumption may have a similar effect on blood pressure, helping to expand blood vessels. Potatoes also contain potassium, calcium, and magnesium. These elements naturally reduce blood pressure.

Promote heart health:

It contains potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and fiber, in addition to not containing cholesterol.It is worth mentioning that dietary fiber helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, which contributes to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Cancer Prevention:

Potatoes that play a role in building and repairing DNA are associated with mutations in the DNA that contain potatoes, which play a role in building and repairing DNA.Fibers from fruits and vegetables such as potatoes are associated with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer. Vitamin C and quercetin have an antioxidant effect that protects cells from damage Results from free radicals.

Promoting bone health:

Potatoes contain iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. These elements help maintain bone structure and strength, and iron and zinc play a role in collagen production and maturation.

Reduce infections:

Potatoes contain the choline complex, which is an important nutrient for the health of the body, which contributes to the process of moving muscles, mood, memory and ability to learn, also helps to preserve the structure of cell membranes, transport of neurotransmitters, in addition to helping to absorb fat, and growth The brain is early in life, and it is worth noting that the big grain of potato contains 57 milligrams of choline.

Promote digestive health:

The fiber in the potato helps promote gastrointestinal tract health and prevent constipation.

Help reduce weight:

Dietary fiber is known to help maintain weight and shed excess weight, increasing satiety, reducing appetite and thus consuming fewer calories.

Promote metabolism:

Potatoes contain vitamin B6, which is important for metabolism by analyzing carbohydrates to glucose and proteins into amino acids, making it easier for the body to use them as an energy source.

Promote healthy skin:

Vitamin C helps prevent sun damage caused by the sun, smoking, and environmental factors.Collagen helps reduce wrinkles and improves skin structure.

Nutritional value of potatoes in 100 gram

Water 83.29 g Calories 58 Kcal Protein 2.57 g Fat 0.10 g Carb 12.44 g Fiber 2.5 g Calcium 30 mg Iron 3.24 mg Magnesium 23 mg Phosphorus 38 mg Potassium 413 mg Sodium 10 mg Zinc 0.35 mg Vitamin C 11.4 mg Folate 17 mcg

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