The most important 4 benefits of cold bath to lose weight
I remember when I first learned about the benefits of a cold shower, it was through Tedx Talk on YouTube, an annual conference in several countries, where pioneers and successful people in all fields speak. In the comments on this video, scenes wrote: “When I was in Africa, we didn't have hot water and we had to bathe with cold water, but life was happy without stress and depression. When I migrated to London, everything became available and easy, and this easy life led me to stress and unhappiness. I think that man is not designed to live an easy life, and the benefits of bathing in cold water are many and mention a lot of them to prevail benefit.
As a summary of this video on YouTube, we as humans are used to the easy environment. We live in a comfortable circle called the comfort zone. In this circle, the easy things you are used to: driving, shopping, climbing stairs, eating, sleeping, browsing mobile and laptop.
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We all hate to get out of this circle even if it is within the limits of making new friends or buying a bicycle to travel instead of the car or learning a new language..etc. Here comes the importance of a cold shower, it is really annoying and difficult, and if you return yourself to it, you will get used to and exercise yourself to get out of the circle of comfort daily. Waking up in the coldest winter, opening ice water on you is a difficult thing. If you do this every morning, you'll find yourself motivated to do other troublesome things. Annoying things that you know are essential to your growth. There is a saying: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
For that reason, I changed my habit of bathing in hot water to cold water on a daily basis. I read a lot about the benefits of bathing in cold water in the past, but it was for me benefits that can be dispensed with or obtained from somewhere other than cold shower annoying. Such as diet, sports and fat burning supplements, for example. Exercise to get out of the circle of rest, you will not find it in a dietary supplement. This made me stick to this new habit.
If getting out of the comfort zone is not enough motivation for you, let me tell you about the benefits of a cold shower that science has confirmed:
1- Treatment of depression and mood improvement:
Remember the African immigrant who was living a happy life with a cold shower, depressed by an easy life and a hot shower in London? Science confirms this. In 2007 a study from the University of Virginia published that bathing with cold water stimulates the production of Noradrenaline in the brain. This hormone has a role in the fight against depression. This study also talked about the role of easy life in increasing depression, and how an annoying and difficult thing like a cold shower prevents this depression. That is, the subject has a psychological aspect and not purely physiological. This study found that a cold shower relieves physical pain without any side effects.
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2- the benefits of bathing cold water for the mind and increase concentration
A cold shower stimulates neurotransmitters and hormones for stimulation, concentration and alertness. It also stimulates your entire central system that transmits cold signals from your skin to your brain to alert you to the danger of cold. Don't you feel during the cold shower increase your heartbeat and cut yourself? This is because your brain has received these cold signals and has led your heart to do this to increase blood transfusion to muscles and to warm the body. This is what a study published in 1977 found.
Thus, do not take a cold shower before bed, because before bedtime you need to soothe your body and not stimulate your central nervous system and increase alertness and attention hormones! A warm shower is best before bed. The best time for a cold shower is in the morning.
3- Slimming:
When we feel cold, all our muscles tremble involuntarily to warm our body, burn calories and turn them into heat. The newborn does not have this ability to shiver to warm his body, and therefore most of his body fat is brown fat.
Brown fats, sometimes called useful fats, have the ability to consume calories and turn them into heat energy to warm the body, but with age, the proportion of brown fats decreases sharply and little remains in adults in the neck, shoulders and chest. Scientists are trying to find a way to turn white fat (harmful subcutaneous fat) into beneficial brown fat, and claim it may be a powerful mechanism to combat obesity. But so far, science has not come up with a way that turns white fat into brown fat.
What does this have to do with a cold shower? A study found that exposure to cold activates brown fats. A US study found that bathing in cold water for 15 minutes burns an hour's calories of running. I did not read the whole study, maybe one of the readers read it and explain it to help me, because of my time constraints? It won't make a difference with me because I'm used to cold showers and healthy eating anyway :). I do not see that a cold shower without a healthy diet and sports will make much difference in a few weeks.
4- Increased immunity and antioxidants in the body:
A German study published in 1999 followed the physiological changes of 36 swimmers during different seasons. The study found that in winter because of swimming in cold water, antioxidants increased in the bodies of swimmers.
For swimmers, a Finnish study found that winter swimmers have less stress, better mood and better memory.
With regard to immunity without the imposter of serious diseases, a study found that exposure to cold water daily increases one type of white balls called T lymphocytes, which is instrumental in the fight against diseases and cancer cells and increase the chance of survival of cancer patients from death.
Benefits of cold shower for body and skin:
There are many sites that talk about the benefits of a cold shower for skin, skin and hair. These articles talk about opening the pores, closing the follicles, hair follicles, etc., which is a subject outside my specialty and I do not like to make a fatwa.
A study found that cold water helps improve blood circulation and reduce pressure.
I think there are many other benefits passed from under my eyes! But I think what you said here is enough to change your habit today and give up the hot shower.
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